Mr. Hamic I continue to laugh at you and your blog, I must admit and thank you for the daily laughs I get from it and have even stopped reading the comics in the Albuquerque journal since I have so much fun reading your blog. I also laugh when you send me your funny little rants about how nobody is reading my blog, but I don't know if I laugh more because your going crazy trying to figure out who I am or at your investigative skills. you will probably write something in your blog like "NMTRUTHTELLER WHO COULD IT BE GILL BACA??? HMMMM SEEMS FISHY TO ME". I also must admit that I feel much safer now that your not with the Bernalillo county Sheriffs office because if your skills as in investigator were as bad then as they are know, you were probably doing investigations saying "I wonder if this guy is our criminal he seems fishy to me, ll wait for somebody to call me and tell me who committed the crime"or even telling every one "I'm getting a lot of emails and calls about this". all the investigations you did with the sheriffs department should be looked into because you probably lied to catch your guy back then also, lets face it you like the sound of your own voice and believe that you blog gives you a lot of power. the truth is it just proves your a joke , if you don't believe me talk to some of the sheriffs deputies I talked to and they will even tell you that you were a joke then and are now..
As I have said before when you started your blog I agreed with you, but when you ran out of bad guys and personal revenge wasn't enough you started attacking your competition and spreading lies about them. Mr. Hamic you have become a joke and your investigation skills are a joke. pretty soon you will be called the joke of Albuquerque. the RLD even thinks your a joke and ignore you because there's only so many times you can cry wolf. But please don't stop because then I will have to resort to the Albuquerque journal for my laughs.
I just pulled your card have fun attacking me because every time you do your not attacking an innocent person and I'm fine with that.
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