Thursday, June 18, 2009

psycho test for guards coming??

The RLD during a special meeting on June 16, 2009 stated that they are obligated in having Security officers take a psychological test like police officers have to do as a requirment for level 3 licensure with the RLD. All the specifics have not been smoothed out yet but the RLD will be trying to enact the rules and specifics by July 1, 2009. grandfathered level 3 guards will possibly also have to take a one time test or maybe not.

I wanna know how much is this going to cost????? and who do they expect to pay this on a $9.50 an hour pay?? if this is going to happen will companies and the security industy in new mexico suffer greatly??

Are the company owners gonna have to take one also? because I have one in mind that should be at the top of the list. maybe he can write a report on how to pass it cuase I dont know how he passed the bernalillo county sherrifs one but he did.

Monday, June 15, 2009

poeple wanna know who NMtruthteller is!!!!

Ill give you a hint and you will have to tune in for my next post where ill post a picture of myself for everyone to see....

HINT name = Mil Mascaras


Unlike Rob Hamic who posted this comment "Do your research, moron. He was previously licensed as an armed guard with a FA card. It expired just as the new law passed. He is now 21, a PPO and has a Level 3 certification. Way to uncover the facts. LOL" in response to our entry about how he was seeking special treatment from the RLD in the past. This blog will post your comment as long as they are not just your usual crazy rants and improper language Mr. Hamic. unlike your blog where its a one sided story and if it makes summit look bad but is the truth, you ain't posting it.

Answer this for me then Mr. landavazo was working for you while he was under the age of 18?? if not you need to change you blog HERE where you state "I received the tip and investigation from Anthony Landavazo who is the co-owner of Overwatch Security based in Albuquerque New Mexico. He and his partner, Jared Pirkle, worked for me at Summit Security for quite some time and then went to work for ASA Security. ASA promised them higher pay around June of 2007. They were patrol officers, which required them to work shifts driving around in their own personal cars, looking for bad guys at ASA Security's clients properties in Albuquerque. While working there, they discovered that things weren't right." notice it says they left your company in June 2007 the request you made for him was in august 2008 when he was 19. So that would make him 18 around June 2007 and he worked for you for did you say it " He and his partner, Jared Pirkle, worked for me at Summit Security for quite some time" how long did he work for you? because I have worked for my boss for 9 years and that's quite some time!!! so if he worked quite some time lets say that's two years, he would have been 16. come on Mr. Hamic stop already with the lies and deception this blog is exposing you for what you are ....

This blog doesn't dispute that Mr. landavazo is current today and has no issue with that. what this blog has an issue with is how you were seeking special treatment back then and now criticize people when they do the same things you are known for doing like changing company names for owing taxes on a company you were a owner of. You may try to say that it was part of a settlement that you inherited the tax liens but the fact is that you were an owner of the company and still owe them. You can also say that you left Albuquerque to insure that your children were safe because Albuquerque is such a bad place but the truth is that your running from your tax liens.

Mr. hamic Albuquerque cant be that bad for a bad ass like you who would put three bullets in bad guys heads as per one of your training videos found here

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Rob hamic: everyone should fallow the rules and exceptions made for me!!

Rob Hamic owner of Summit security services and author of New Mexico's Deception Blog likes to tell us how everyone should fallow the rules and the state laws except for him and his company apparently!!

On August 18, 2008 Rob hamic requested that the New Mexico Regulations Department approve a security license for Anthony Landavazo to carry a firearm at the age of 19 and you can find it HERE. even though the law clearly states that the legal age is 21, not 20, not 19, AND NOT 19. The denial was issued by Mr. Kalsa who pointed out that the statue is clear, and Mr. Hamic in all his wisdom Knew this and still tried to get this one by the board. over the last few months Mr. hamic has attacked the RLD and Mr. Kalsa, could this be because his feelings and ego are hurt that he didn't receive special treatment??

Mr. Hamic Ive told you before and ill tell you again "People Who Live In Glass Houses Should Not Throw Stones" but you can kick rocks. lmao

Now my two cents on the RLD they re slow, they hand out crappy Identification cards to everyone apparently not just security. have you seen what everyone one else they regulate gets ..... this is ridiculous kids at UNM make better ID's, usually within 24 hours, and charge less. As for the regulation of security guards and companies three issues and sometimes less are dealt with during meetings, come on I handle more business when I sit down to drop a deuce deuce, and don't even need anybody to second that motion!!!!!!

If your wondering who Anthony Landavazo is well hes the co-owner of overwatch security who if my APS math serves me right should be 19 or 20 years of age.............. and apparently thinks highly of Mr. Hamic. clear case of scratch my back and ill scratch yours.
May 18, 2009
A student review of Rob Hamic
May 18, 2009
Israeli Combat Shooting
A non-instructors perspective
By: Anthony Landavazo
I recently took a Israeli Combat Shooting course with Mr. Rob Hamic of Summit Security & Investigation and Summit Self Defense. I’ve carried a weapon for a living before and thought there was no way I would abandon the techniques I’ve been taught since day one.
Now wait did he say he's carried a weapon before for a living ???? yes he did and would that have been in high school or maybe middle school Mr. Landavazo?? come on the kid is maybe 19 yrs of age, I Didn't know the boy scouts let you carry a weapon !!! lets be fair maybe he meant a sling shot ???
lies, lies and more lies is all overwatch security and summit security are telling the residents of Albuquerque.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Takes one to know one!!!!

Mr. Hamic recently posted about how he's still here and hasn't gone away!! in he post he states "I haven't gone away, don't worry..
June 9, 2009- Albuquerque, NM- I have just been really busy. I am working on some good posts concerning some of the same old people and a few new companies who have been under the radar for too long, mistreating their employees and violating laws. One has recently done a name switch, undoubtedly learned from some of the recent bonehead antics."

He states that on company which he doesn't name, has recently made a name change, is that not what you did in the past from Everest to summit ??? who's bone head antics but your own and they must have learned that from your guide on how to evade taxes and beat your competitors by spreading lies and deception to make yourself look better.

There was a report in the daily lobo from the time in which hamic was running Everest security and apparently they beat the crap out of the guy and you can find the report HERE and the picture is courtesy of the the guy apparently admits to being in the wrong and disagrees with the way Everest security handled it(ass kicking), what happened to your guards verbal skills and verbal judo then???? hope your teaching or at least found someone to teach them that now. I remember these days when they had some Gestapo lady in charge who walked around like the place was a prison. I also remember the days when they had a Hispanic guy who was they re firearms instructor and had an employee shoot himself in the leg during training, guess the outstanding trainer forgot to have everyone clear they re handguns when practicing holster drills....oops and then never reported the shooting. Why didn't you ever report that shooting Mr. Hamic ????Now its the same company with a different name but the same owner and most likely the same training, bonehead antics you should know Mr. Hamic !!! Why don't you write a guide on how not to be a bonehead since you've been there done that!!!!

Albuquerque don't be fooled by this guy and for those who don't believe me just do your research and don't wait around for phone calls and emails to come in like Mr. hamic does for his investigations!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Mr. Hamic I continue to laugh at you and your blog, I must admit and thank you for the daily laughs I get from it and have even stopped reading the comics in the Albuquerque journal since I have so much fun reading your blog. I also laugh when you send me your funny little rants about how nobody is reading my blog, but I don't know if I laugh more because your going crazy trying to figure out who I am or at your investigative skills. you will probably write something in your blog like "NMTRUTHTELLER WHO COULD IT BE GILL BACA??? HMMMM SEEMS FISHY TO ME". I also must admit that I feel much safer now that your not with the Bernalillo county Sheriffs office because if your skills as in investigator were as bad then as they are know, you were probably doing investigations saying "I wonder if this guy is our criminal he seems fishy to me, ll wait for somebody to call me and tell me who committed the crime"or even telling every one "I'm getting a lot of emails and calls about this". all the investigations you did with the sheriffs department should be looked into because you probably lied to catch your guy back then also, lets face it you like the sound of your own voice and believe that you blog gives you a lot of power. the truth is it just proves your a joke , if you don't believe me talk to some of the sheriffs deputies I talked to and they will even tell you that you were a joke then and are now..

As I have said before when you started your blog I agreed with you, but when you ran out of bad guys and personal revenge wasn't enough you started attacking your competition and spreading lies about them. Mr. Hamic you have become a joke and your investigation skills are a joke. pretty soon you will be called the joke of Albuquerque. the RLD even thinks your a joke and ignore you because there's only so many times you can cry wolf. But please don't stop because then I will have to resort to the Albuquerque journal for my laughs.

I just pulled your card have fun attacking me because every time you do your not attacking an innocent person and I'm fine with that.