Well just when I thought that that pain in my neck was gone he comes back, and not by choice I might add. Mr. Hamics departure to work for AKAL was short lived as once again it is all about money, AKAL backed out of the employment deal as Mr. Hamic was asking more then he's worth, and AKAL told him to kick rocks. Then his deal to sell his Albuquerque company fell through as he started asking for more money because of his failure to land the deal with AKAL, then he wanted more then the company was worth or would even bring within five years. So he pissed off the buyers who were still employees at the time, working till the deal went through. Currently the blog of lies would have you believe that he is a victim, those guys arent the smartest guys, and made it easy to make it look like that. the truth is that if you screw someone over expect to be screwed over down the road. Mr. Hamic is a victim but of his own stupidity, and greed. Should those employees have taken the contracts? NO, but can you blame them? No I really dont. Sadly I hate to say it but I will! I TOLD YOU SO! Mr. Hamic is the same or worse then the peolple he claims to be saving you from by screwing people over on money deals. Two wrongs dont make a right!
how could Mr. Hamic have missed this guys past?? Isnt he the greatest investigator that has ever walked the earth?? well he wrote a book about it telling you how you can also be a bad ass investigator. Sadly he has spent countless hours talking about how several companies have had employees with a past and once again hes guilty of the same thing, if you dont believe me he has hundreds of documented pages doing so yet he would have you believe he is not like them.
I dont care if you do things for money but atleast man up and tell everyone thats why your screwing over your competition, dont act like your doing it to protect them or, because your a good samaritan.
till the next time everyone, time to get back to work because I dont make my money by screwing over people. if you are in need of money I hear Summit is hiring people to do sales due to his recent loss of some accounts, maybe you can help.