A lot of New Mexicans have a read a fairly popular blog about New Mexico Security companies that have gone Bad. The Blogger is a Gentleman Named Robb Hamic, owner of a local Security company. Mr. Hamic started out with good intentions exposing a lot of security companies that were operating illegally with no license or insurance. Great you say! Yes because everyone was thinking it but not doing anything about it. So whats the problem you say?? well Mr. Hamic has not been totally honest with New Mexicans about his history, and the information he has been giving out about companies. What started out as a voice to expose those who were hurting New Mexico's security industry turned into a holier then thou billboard for his security company by using dirty tactics and simple comments that make things seem not as they really are. At first I said it was very smart on Mr. Hamics part to also advertise on his blog, why not hes putting a lot of work into his investigations...but at what cost ? well with all the mud slinging, smoke and mirrors, and half truths Mr. Hamic has made himself and his company seem like they're the only ones that should be running a security company in New Mexico.
Now it should be said that there's some truth in some of the stuff that he says about certain companies but there is alot more that has not been said. so check back soon to see what I'm taking about
p.s. I'm sorry these are taking so long to post but I am only one person with no editor as you can probably tell or investigators to assist me so please be patient and always seek the truth !
p.s.s also please feel free to comment we wont screen your comments like some other people wink wink unless they are not clean. so please keep it clean so your comments can be read by everyone.